Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Start of it All

Campus Consciousness Tour: Day 1

When the opportunity presented itself I couldn't turn it down.  My dream job to travel on a tour bus and promote Silk Soymilk and a green way of life to college students.  In addition, the headliner band O.A.R. a band I have been listening to since my high school days.  I was more than excited while packing, trying to fit almost a month's worth of clothes in a single duffel bag that also weighed below 50lbs.  With really no idea what to expect I arrived at the airport Saturday afternoon, checked my bag, and headed off to Cleveland to meet the tour bus.

I was meeting the people that I would be traveling with for the next few weeks on the bus in Cleveland and then we were driving on to Iowa the next day.  Greeted by everyone at the Hampton Inn in Cleveland, we hung out and talked for a while and then was informed of our 8:45am departure time the next day.

I went to bed excitedly wondering what the bus was going to be like.  How big was it?  What was it like inside?  How big were the bunks?  Did everyone have their own bunk?  Were there TVs?  With Cable?  And just overall the expectations of traveling on a tour bus wandered through my mind.  Everyone that I met seemed really nice.  So far there was five of us including me.  Three people from Reverb the non-profit organization who was running the tour, and one person from Oxfam (another non-profit organization who promotes environmental  as well).

The next morning the bus it was even nicer than I expected.  As I walked on past the bus driver the front room had two couches on either side, a flat-screen TV, a table for eating, small kitchenette with sink and counter, bathroom, refrigerator and small closet.  Then I continued on into the bunking area.  My big decision of the day was what bunk I wanted to sleep in.  There was 12 bunks total, 6 on either side, and I had the choice of top, middle, or bottom.  I was informed the bottom was easier to climb in but you feel the road a little bit more.  However the top wobbled a little, and then the middle was just in between the two.  I chose the top because who wants to sleep directly under two other people, the possibility of the two bunks collapsing on top of you was too much for me.  I would gladly take the chance of being tossed from the top bunk than being crushed on the bottom bunk.  To my surprise each bunk had their own DVD player, one like you would find in a minivan, plugs to charge your phone or whatever else you needed to charge, and a pouch to put things you needed.  We will see how comfortable they are when I actually get to sleep in it, but seems pretty comfortable from the looks of it.  Then as you continue through the bunk area there is a back room with another flat-screen TV and some more couches and tables.  I was also informed that when the bus isn't moving it expands even bigger, giving us more room.  I'm excited to see how that works!

We all loaded the bus, more than enough room for 5 people, and started our trek to Iowa State University in Ames Iowa.  My new home for the next few weeks seemed extremely nice and the people I was sharing it with were really cool too.  The bus has everything you could possibly need, like wireless Internet, direct TV, playstation (including guitar hero), bathroom, microwave, food, fridge, you name it we have it... The coolest thing about the bus is all these amenities are powered by bio-diesel fuel and energy.

I was happy to see that we all hung out for the day on the bus watching TV and movies.  Currently we have about 7 more hours till we arrive in Ames, where I think we will be meeting the band.  So far I am just along for the ride and still so much is unexpected.  I look forward to everything I have to experience and am taking it one day at a time.

For those who don't know I'll take some time to explain exactly what the Campus Consciousness Tour is and what exactly I'm doing.  Reverb is an environmental non-profit organization founded by Guster guitarist/vocalist Adam Gardner and his wife Lauren Sullivan.  What they do is educate and engage musicians and their fans to promote environmental sustainability.  The Campus Consciousness Tour aims to inspire college students in a fun yet influential way and educate them about what they can do to impact the environment in a positive way, or simply just advise them to live a little bit more "green."  The main goal is to leave students with a positive message about and way to improve their communities/college towns.  I think it is a great message and a great way to attract students to learn more about the environment.  I am excited to see their reaction to the concert and the message.  I personally am going to be promoting Silk Soymilk products, and their message to the environment. 

Overall it will be interesting to see what each show is like.  Considering the different areas of the country that we are traveling to, how the different demographics affect people's opinions or reactions to the product and the message.

Look for in next entries: more about Silk's message, bio-diesel energy, and more experiences on the big bad road

Till next time,

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